Slides online: “NoSQL takes over! Alternatives for Integration of NoSQL databases” – NoSQL Roadshow Zurich

Slides from my talk at NoSQL Roadshow 2013 in Zurich are online. NoSQL Roadshow is a great event series by Trifork, which offers a lot of NoSQL sessions and events all over the world.

Slides from my talk at NoSQL Roadshow 2013 in Zurich are online. NoSQL Roadshow is a great event series by Trifork, which offers a lot of NoSQL sessions and events all over the world.

Presentation: “NoSQL takes over! Alternatives for Integration of NoSQL databases”

SQL cannot solve several problems emerging with big data. NoSQL comes to the rescue, but therefore it does not use SQL as its query language or give full ACID guarantees. Thus, in the future you will have to integrate these NoSQL databases as you integrate SQL databases today.

Different open source frameworks and tools are already prepared for this challenging task. This session demonstrates elegant alternatives for NoSQL integration without writing a lot of boilerplate  glue code and complex mapping. Several examples are shown for all different concepts of NoSQL databases by integrating MongoDB (Document Store), HBase (Column-oriented), Neo4j (Graph), Amazon Web Services S3 (Key Value Store), and others.

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