How I Trained a Chatbot K.AI of Myself Without Coding Evaluating OpenAI Custom GPT Chatbase Botsonic LiveChatAI
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Hello, K.AI – How I Trained a Chatbot of Myself Without Coding Evaluating OpenAI Custom GPT, Chatbase, Botsonic, LiveChatAI

Generative AI (GenAI) enables many new use cases for enterprises and private citizens. While I work on real-time enterprise scale AI/ML deployments with data streaming, big data analytics and cloud-native software applications in my daily business life, I also wanted to train a conversational chatbot for myself. This blog post introduces my journey without coding to train K.AI, a personal chatbot that can be used to learn in a conversational pace format about data streaming and the most successful use cases in this area. Yes, this is also based on my expertise, domain knowledge and opinion, which is available as  public internet data, like my hundreds of blog articles, LinkedIn shares, and YouTube videos.
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Snowflake with Apache Kafka and Iceberg Connector
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Snowflake Data Integration Options for Apache Kafka (including Iceberg)

The integration between Apache Kafka and Snowflake is often cumbersome. Options include near real-time ingestion with a Kafka Connect connector, batch ingestion from large files, or leveraging a standard table format like Apache Iceberg. This blog post explores the alternatives and discusses its trade-offs. The end shows how data streaming helps with hybrid architectures where data needs to be ingested from the private data center into Snowflake in the public cloud.
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Is Amazon MSK Serverless for Apache Kafka a Self-Driving Car or just a Car Engine
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When NOT to choose Amazon MSK Serverless for Apache Kafka?

Apache Kafka became the de facto standard for data streaming. Various cloud offerings emerged and improved in the last years. Amazon MSK Serverless is the latest Kafka product from AWS. This blog post looks at its capabilities to explore how it relates to “the normal” partially managed Amazon MSK, when the serverless version is a good choice, and when other fully-managed cloud services like Confluent Cloud are the better option.
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How to choose the right Apache Kafka Offering - Confluent Cloudera Red Hat IBM Amazon AWS MSK
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Comparison of Open Source Apache Kafka vs Vendors including Confluent, Cloudera, Red Hat, Amazon MSK

Apache Kafka became the de facto standard for event streaming. Various vendors added Kafka and related tooling to their offerings or provide a Kafka cloud service. This blog post uses the car analogy – from the motor engine to the self-driving car – to explore the different Kafka offerings available on the market. The goal is not a feature-by-feature comparison. Instead, the intention is to educate about the different deployment models, product strategies, and trade-offs from the available options.
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Apache Kafka and PLC4X Architecture for IIoT Automation Industry
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Apache Kafka, KSQL and Apache PLC4X for IIoT Data Integration and Processing

Data integration and processing in Industrial IoT (IIoT, aka Industry 4.0 or Automation Industry). Apache Kafka, its ecosystem (Kafka Connect, KSQL) and Apache PLC4X are a great open source choice to implement this integration end to end in a scalable, reliable and flexible way.
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Model Serving: Stream Processing vs. RPC / REST with Java, gRPC, Apache Kafka, TensorFlow

Machine Learning / Deep Learning models can be used in different ways to do predictions. Natively in the application or hosted in a remote model server. Then you combine stream processing with RPC / Request-Response paradigm. This blog post shows examples of stream processing vs. RPC model serving using Java, Apache Kafka, Kafka Streams, gRPC and TensorFlow Serving.
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