Policy Enforcement and Data Quality for Apache Kafka with Schema Registry
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Policy Enforcement and Data Quality for Apache Kafka with Schema Registry

Good data quality is one of the most critical requirements in decoupled architectures, like microservices or data mesh. Apache Kafka became the de facto standard for these architectures. But Kafka is a dumb broker that only stores byte arrays. The Schema Registry enforces message structures. This blog post looks at enhancements to leverage data contracts for policies and rules to enforce good data quality on field-level and advanced use cases like routing malicious messages to a dead letter queue.
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Apache Kafka for Data Consistency (and Real-Time Data Streaming)
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Apache Kafka for Data Consistency (and Real-Time Data Streaming)

Real-time data beats slow data in almost all use cases. But as essential is data consistency across all systems, including non-real-time legacy systems and modern request-response APIs. Apache Kafka’s most underestimated feature is the storage component based on the append-only commit log. It enables loose coupling for domain-driven design with microservices and independent data products in a data mesh. This blog post explores how Kafka enables data consistency with a real-world case study from financial services.
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Decentralized Data Mesh with Data Streaming in Financial Services and Banking
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Decentralized Data Mesh with Data Streaming in Financial Services

Digital transformation requires agility and fast time to market as critical factors for success in any enterprise. The decentralization with a data mesh separates applications and business units into independent domains. Data sharing in real-time with data streaming helps to provide information in the proper context to the correct application at the right time. This blog post explores a case study from the financial services sector where a data mesh was built across countries for loosely coupled data sharing but standardized enterprise-wide data governance.
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Stream Exchange for Data Sharing with Apache Kafka in a Data Mesh
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Streaming Data Exchange with Kafka and a Data Mesh in Motion

Data Mesh is a new architecture paradigm that gets a lot of buzzes these days. This blog post looks into this principle deeper to explore why no single technology is the perfect fit to build a  Data Mesh. Examples show why an open and scalable decentralized real-time platform like Apache Kafka is often the heart of the Data Mesh infrastructure, complemented by many other data platforms to solve business problems.
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Digital Twin with Apache Kafka - Simulating of car manufacturing by robots on Siemens
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Apache Kafka as Digital Twin for Open, Scalable, Reliable Industrial IoT (IIoT)

This blog post discusses the benefits of a Digital Twin in Industrial IoT (IIoT) and its relation to…
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IoT Live Demo – 100.000 Connected Cars with Kubernetes, Kafka, MQTT, TensorFlow

Live Demo – 100.000 Connected Cars – Real Time Processing and Analytics with Kubernetes, Kafka, MQTT and TensorFlow leveraging Confluent and HiveMQ.
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