Real-Time Sports and Gaming with Data Streaming powered by Apache Kafka
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Reimagine sports and gaming with data streaming: A table tennis success story built with Apache Kafka

The sports world is changing. Digitalization is everywhere. Cameras and sensors analyze matches. Stadiums get connected and incorporate mobile apps and location-based services. Players use social networks to influence and market themselves and consumer products. Real-time data processing is crucial for most innovative sports use cases. This blog post explores how data streaming with Apache Kafka helps reimagine the sports industry, showing a concrete example from the worldwide table tennis organization.
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Event Streaming as the Data Hub for Crypto NFT and Metaverse
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Apache Kafka as Data Hub for Crypto, DeFi, NFT, Metaverse – Beyond the Buzz

Decentralized finance with crypto and NFTs is a huge topic these days. It becomes a powerful combination with the coming metaverse platforms across industries. This blog post explores the relationship between crypto technologies and modern enterprise architecture. I discuss how event streaming and Apache Kafka help build innovation and scalable real-time applications of a future metaverse. Let’s skip the buzz (and NFT bubble) and instead review existing real-world deployments in the crypto and blockchain world powered by Kafka and its ecosystem.
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