JBoss OneDayTalk 2013: “NoSQL Integration with Apache Camel – MongoDB, CouchDB, Neo4j, Cassandra, HBase, Hazelcast, Riak, etc.”

JBoss OneDayTalk is a great annual event around open source development. I have done a talk about “NoSQL Integration with Apache Camel”. This blog post shows you the updated slide deck of this talk.

JBoss OneDayTalk is a great annual event around open source development. I have done a talk about “NoSQL Integration with Apache Camel”. This blog post shows you the updated slide deck of this talk.


SQL cannot solve several problems emerging with big data. A distributed, fault-tolerant architecture is necessary. NoSQL comes to the rescue, but therefore it does not use SQL as its query language or give full ACID guarantees. Thus, in the future you will have to learn new concepts and integrate these NoSQL databases as you integrate SQL databasestoday. The open source integration framework Apache Camel is already prepared for this challenging task.

Apache Camel implements the well-known Enteprise Integration Patterns (EIP) and therefore offers a standardized, domain-specific language to integrate applications and clouds. It can be used in almost every integration project within the JVM environment. All integration projects can be realized in a consistent way without redundant boilerplate code.

This session demonstrates the elegance of Apache Camel for NoSQL integration. Several examples are shown for all different concepts by integrating NoSQL databases from CouchDB (Document Store), HBase (Column-oriented), Neo4j (Graph), Amazon Web Services (Key Value Store), and others.

If the required NoSQL database is not supported by Apache Camel, you can easily create your own Camel component with very low effort. This procedure is explained at the end of the session.


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1 comment
  1. Amazon SimpleDB is another NO-SQL Database service. Amazon SimpleDB can be useful for those who need a non-relational database for storage of smaller, non-structural data. Amazon SimpleDB has restricted storage size to 10GB per domain and it can achieve up to 25 writes/second. Amazon SimpleDB offers simplicity and flexibility. SimpleDB automatically indexes all data. Amazon SimpleDB pricing is based on your actual box usage. You can store any UTF-8 string data in Amazon SimpleDB. 

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