Disaster Recovery and Resiliency with Apache Kafka Data Streaming
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Disaster Recovery with Kafka across the Edge and Hybrid Cloud (QCon Talk)

I spoke at QCon London in April 2022 about building disaster recovery and resilient real-time enterprise architectures with Apache Kafka. This blog post summarizes the use cases, architectures, and real-world examples. The slide deck and video recording of the presentation is included as well.
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Hybrid Cloud Architecture with Apache Kafka Mainframe Oracle IBM AWS Azure GCP
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App Modernization and Hybrid Cloud Architectures with Apache Kafka

Hybrid cloud architectures are the new black for most companies. A cloud-first is obvious for many, but legacy infrastructure has to be maintained, integrated, and (maybe) replaced over time. Event Streaming with the Apache Kafka ecosystem is a perfect technology for building hybrid replication in real-time at scale.
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Smart Retail Store with Apache Kafka at the Edge
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A Hybrid Streaming Architecture for Smart Retail Stores with Apache Kafka

Event Streaming with Apache Kafka disrupts the retail industry. This blog post explores a concrete use case as part of the overall story: A hybrid streaming architecture to build smart retail stores for autonomous or disconnected edge computing and replication to the cloud with Apache Kafka.
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Postmodern ERP with Apache Kafka
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Building a Postmodern ERP with Apache Kafka

Postmodern ERP represents the next generation of ERP architectures. It is real-time, scalable, and open by using a combination of open source technologies and proprietary standard software. This blog post explores why and how companies, both software vendors and end-users, leverage event streaming with Apache Kafka to implement a Postmodern ERP.
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