The State of Data Streaming for Energy and Utilities in 2023
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The State of Data Streaming for Energy & Utilities

The evolution of utility infrastructure, energy distribution, customer services, and new business models requires real-time end-to-end visibility, reliable and intuitive B2B and B2C communication, and integration with pioneering technologies like 5G for low latency or augmented reality for innovation. I look at trends in the utilities sector to explore how data streaming helps as a business enabler, including customer stories from SunPower, 50hertz, Powerledger, and more. A complete slide deck and on-demand video recording are included.
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Kafka for Real-Time Replication between Edge and Hybrid Cloud

Not all workloads should go to the cloud! Low latency, cybersecurity, and cost-efficiency require a suitable combination of edge computing and cloud integration. This blog post explores hybrid data streaming with Apache Kafka anywhere. A live demo shows data synchronization from the edge to the public cloud across continents with Kafka on Hivecell edge hardware and serverless Confluent Cloud.
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Apache Kafka for Industrial IoT and Manufacturing 4.0

This post explores use cases and architectures for processing data in motion with Apache Kafka in Industrial IoT (IIoT) across verticals such as automotive, energy, steel manufacturing, oil&gas, cybersecurity, shipping, logistics. Use cases include predictive maintenance, quality assurance, track and track, real-time locating system (RTLS), asset tracking, customer 360, and more. Examples include BMW, Bosch, Baader, Intel, Porsche, and Devon.
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Smart Retail Store with Apache Kafka at the Edge
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A Hybrid Streaming Architecture for Smart Retail Stores with Apache Kafka

Event Streaming with Apache Kafka disrupts the retail industry. This blog post explores a concrete use case as part of the overall story: A hybrid streaming architecture to build smart retail stores for autonomous or disconnected edge computing and replication to the cloud with Apache Kafka.
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Apache Kafka Hard vs Soft Real Time for Industrial IoT Robots and Connected Vehicles
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Apache Kafka is NOT Hard Real Time BUT Used Everywhere in Automotive and Industrial IoT

Apache Kafka is NOT hard real-time in Industrial IoT or vehicles (such as autonomous cars) but integrates the OT/IT world for near real-time data correlation and analytics in hybrid architectures across factories at the edge, multiple clouds, and over countries.
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Kafka at the Edge - Use Cases and Architectures
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Use Cases and Architectures for Kafka at the Edge

Use cases and architectures for Kafka deployments at the edge, including retail stores, cell towers, trains, small factories, restaurants… Hardware and software components to realize edge and hybrid Kafka infrastructures.
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