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Panel Discussion about Kafka, Edge, Networking and 5G in Oil and Gas and Mining Industry

The oil & gas and mining industries require edge computing for low latency and zero trust use cases. Most IT architectures are hybrid with big data analytics in the cloud and safety-critical data processing in disconnected and often air-gapped environments. This blog post shares a panel discussion that explores the challenges, use cases, and hardware/software/network technologies to reduce cost and innovate. A key focus is on the open-source framework Apache Kafka, the de facto standard for processing data in motion at the edge and in the cloud.
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Building a Smart Factory with Apache Kafka and 5G Campus Networks

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (also known as Industry 4.0) is the ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using modern smart technology. Event Streaming with Apache Kafka plays a key role in processing massive volumes of data in real-time in a reliable, scalable, and flexible way. Learn about the relationship between Apache Kafka and modern telco infrastructures leveraging private 5G campus networks for Industrial IoT (IIoT) and edge computing.
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