Streaming Analytics SQL API with Apache Kafka Confluent ClickHouse Tinybird
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Apache Kafka and Tinybird (ClickHouse) for Streaming Analytics HTTP APIs

Apache Kafka became the de facto standard for data streaming. However, the combination of an event-driven architecture with request-response APIs is crucial for most enterprise architectures. This blog post explores how Tinybird innovates with a REST/HTTP layer on top of the open source analytics database ClickHouse in the cloud. Integrating Kafka with Tinybird, the benefits of fully managed services like Confluent Cloud, and customer stories from Factorial and FanDuel show why Kafka and analytics databases complement each other for more innovation and faster time-to-market.
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Request Response Data Exchange with Apache Kafka vs CQRS and Event Sourcing
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When to use Request-Response with Apache Kafka?

How can I do request-response communication with Apache Kafka? That’s one of the most common questions I get regularly. This blog post explores when (not) to use this message exchange pattern, the differences between synchronous and asynchronous communication, the pros and cons compared to CQRS and event sourcing, and how to implement request-response within the data streaming infrastructure.
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Service Mesh Kafka Kubernetes Istio
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Service Mesh and Cloud-Native Microservices with Apache Kafka, Kubernetes and Envoy, Istio, Linkerd

This blog post takes a look at cutting edge technologies like Apache Kafka, Kubernetes, Envoy, Linkerd and Istio to implement a cloud-native service mesh for a scalable, robust and observable microservice architecture.
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Model Serving: Stream Processing vs. RPC / REST with Java, gRPC, Apache Kafka, TensorFlow

Machine Learning / Deep Learning models can be used in different ways to do predictions. Natively in the application or hosted in a remote model server. Then you combine stream processing with RPC / Request-Response paradigm. This blog post shows examples of stream processing vs. RPC model serving using Java, Apache Kafka, Kafka Streams, gRPC and TensorFlow Serving.
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