Top 5 Apache Kafka Use Cases for 2022

Top Apache Kafka Use Cases and Architectures for 2022
Apache Kafka and Event Streaming are two of the most relevant buzzwords in tech these days. Ever wonder what my predicted TOP 5 Event Streaming Architectures and Use Cases for 2022 are to set data in motion? Check out the following presentation. Learn about the Kappa architecture, hyper-personalized omnichannel, multi-cloud deployments, edge analytics, and real-time cybersecurity.

Apache Kafka and Event Streaming are two of the most relevant buzzwords in tech these days. Do you wonder about my predicted TOP 5 Event Streaming Architectures and Use Cases for 2022 to set data in motion? Check out the following presentation. Learn about the Kappa architecture, hyper-personalized omnichannel, multi-cloud deployments, edge analytics, and real-time cybersecurity.

Some followers might notice that I did the same presentation a year ago about the top 5 event streaming use cases for 2021. My predictions for 2022 partly overlap with this session. That’s fine. It shows that event streaming with Apache Kafka is a journey and evolution to set data in motion.

Top Apache Kafka Use Cases and Architectures for 2022

The analyst company Gartner defines the top strategic technology trends every year. Here is what Gartner expects for 2022:

Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2022 by Gartner

It is funny (but not surprising): Gartner’s predictions overlap and complement the five use cases I focus on for event streaming with Apache Kafka to set data in motion. The tech industry’s key trends are all about data correlation, real-time processing, analytics, and integration between various systems and technologies—all of that globally and securely.

Hence, here you go with the top 5 trends around Apache Kafka for 2022.

Top 5 Apache Kafka Use Cases for 2022

I see the following topics coming up more regularly in conversations with customers, prospects, and the broader Kafka community across the globe:

  1. Kappa Architecture: Kappa goes mainstream to replace Lambda and Batch pipelines (that does not mean that there is no batch processing anymore). Examples: Kafka-powered Kappa architectures from Uber, Disney, Shopify, and Twitter.
  2. Hyper-personalized Omnichannel: Retail and customer communication across online and offline channels becomes the new black, including context-specific upselling, recommendations, and location-based services. Examples: Omnichannel Retail and Customer 360 in Real-Time with Apache Kafka.
  3. Multi-Cloud Deployments: Business units and IT infrastructures span regions, continents, and cloud providers. Linking clusters for bi-directional data replication in real-time becomes crucial for many business models. Examples: Global Kafka deployments.
  4. Edge Analytics: Low latency requirements, cost efficiency, or security requirements enforce the deployment of (some) event streaming use cases at the far edge (i.e., outside a data center), for instance, for predictive maintenance and quality assurance on the shop floor level in smart factories. Examples: Edge analytics with Kafka.
  5. Real-time Cybersecurity: Situational awareness and threat intelligence need to process massive data in real-time to defend against cyberattacks. The many successful ransomware attacks across the globe in 2021 were a warning for most CIOs. Examples: Cybersecurity for situational awareness and threat intelligence in real-time.

Slides and Video for Event Streaming Use Cases in 2022

Here is the slide deck from my presentation:

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And here is the on-demand video recording:

Video Recording - Top 5 Use Cases for Data in Motion with Apache Kafka in 2022

What are your most relevant and exciting use cases for Event Streaming and Apache Kafka in 2022 to set data in motion? What are your strategy and timeline? Let’s connect on LinkedIn and discuss it! Stay informed about new blog posts by subscribing to my newsletter.

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