JMS Message Broker vs Apache Kafka Data Streaming
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Message Broker and Apache Kafka: Trade-Offs, Integration, Migration

A Message broker has very different characteristics and use cases than a data streaming platform like Apache Kafka. Data integration, processing, governance, and security must be reliable and scalable across the business process. This blog post explores the capabilities of message brokers, the relation to the JMS standard, trade-offs compared to data streaming with Apache Kafka, and typical integration and migration scenarios.
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JMS Message Queue vs Apache Kafka Comparison
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Comparison: JMS Message Queue vs. Apache Kafka

Comparing JMS-based message queue (MQ) infrastructures and Apache Kafka-based data streaming is a widespread topic. Unfortunately, the battle is an apple-to-orange comparison that often includes misinformation and FUD from vendors. This blog post explores the differences, trade-offs, and architectures of JMS message brokers and Kafka deployments. Learn how to choose between JMS brokers like IBM MQ or RabbitMQ and open-source Kafka or serverless cloud services like Confluent Cloud.
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Microservices = Death of the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)? – Slide Deck and Video Recording

In 2015, the middleware world focuses on two buzzwords: Docker and Microservices. Software vendors still sell products such as an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) or Complex Event Processing (CEP) engines. How is this related? This session discusses the requirements, best practices and challenges for creating a good Microservices architecture, and if this spells the end of the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).
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Java / JVM – When to use Multicast (e.g. Tibco Rendevous) instead of Point-to-Point Messaging (JMS Implementations)

Several solutions are available in the Java / JVM environment for messaging. All have in common that they exist for many years and still do its job in mission critical systems: Sending remote messages fast and reliable. There exist two different concepts which compete against each other for enterprise messaging solutions. This article describes and compares Point-to-Point (e.g. ActiveMQ) and Multicast (e.g. Tibco Rendevous) messaging to answer the question when to use which one. Although both solutions are available for many years now, this question is still very important – also for new software!
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