Dish Wireless Cloud-native 5G Telco Network powered by Data Streaming with Apache Kafka
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How Apache Kafka helps Dish Wireless building cloud-native 5G Telco Infrastructure

5G telco infrastructure provides the basic foundations of data movement and increasingly unlocks new capabilities for low latency and critical SLAs. Real-time data processing with data streaming using Apache Kafka enables innovation across industries. This blog post explores the success story of Dish Wireless and its cloud-native standalone 5G infrastructure leveraging data streaming.
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The State of Data Streaming for Telco in 2023
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The State of Data Streaming for Telco in 2023

This blog post explores the state of data streaming for the telco industry in 2023. The evolution of telco infrastructure, customer services, and new business models requires real-time end-to-end visibility, fancy mobile apps, and integration with pioneering technologies like 5G for low latency or augmented reality for innovation. Learn about customer stories from Dish Network, British Telecom, Globe Telecom, Swisscom, and more. A complete slide deck and on-demand video recording are included.
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Cloud Native Telecom 5G MEC OSS BSS OTT powered by Kubernetes and Apache Kafka
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Cloud-Native 5G, MEC and OSS/BSS/OTT Telco with Apache Kafka and Kubernetes

This post shares a slide deck and video recording for architectures and use cases for event streaming with the open-source frameworks Kubernetes and Apache Kafka in the Telco sector. Demonstrated use cases include building 5G networks, NFV management and orchestration, proactive OSS network monitoring, integration with hybrid and multi-cloud BSS and OTT services.
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Panel Discussion about Kafka, Edge, Networking and 5G in Oil and Gas and Mining Industry

The oil & gas and mining industries require edge computing for low latency and zero trust use cases. Most IT architectures are hybrid with big data analytics in the cloud and safety-critical data processing in disconnected and often air-gapped environments. This blog post shares a panel discussion that explores the challenges, use cases, and hardware/software/network technologies to reduce cost and innovate. A key focus is on the open-source framework Apache Kafka, the de facto standard for processing data in motion at the edge and in the cloud.
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Low Latency Data Streaming with Apache Kafka and Cloud-Native 5G Infrastructure

This blog post explores low latency data processing and edge computing with Apache Kafka, 5G telco networks, and cloud-native AWS Wavelength infrastructure. Learn about use cases and architectures across industries to combine mission-critical and analytics workloads, and a concrete hybrid implementation for energy production and distribution.
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A Connected World with Apache Kafka for Smart City Connected Vehicles Telco Cloud Mobility Services
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Apache Kafka for the Connected World – Vehicles, Factories, Cities, Digital Services

The digital transformation connects the world. People, vehicles, factories, cities, digital services, and other “things” communicate with each other in real-time to provide a safe environment, efficient processes, and a fantastic user experience. This scenario only works well with data processing in real-time at scale. This blog post shares a presentation that explains why Apache Kafka plays a key role not just in one of these industries or use cases, but also to connect the different stakeholders to each other. 
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Building a Smart Factory with Apache Kafka and 5G Campus Networks

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (also known as Industry 4.0) is the ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using modern smart technology. Event Streaming with Apache Kafka plays a key role in processing massive volumes of data in real-time in a reliable, scalable, and flexible way. Learn about the relationship between Apache Kafka and modern telco infrastructures leveraging private 5G campus networks for Industrial IoT (IIoT) and edge computing.
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Kafka at the Edge - Use Cases and Architectures
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Use Cases and Architectures for Kafka at the Edge

Use cases and architectures for Kafka deployments at the edge, including retail stores, cell towers, trains, small factories, restaurants… Hardware and software components to realize edge and hybrid Kafka infrastructures.
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