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Apache Iceberg – The Open Table Format for Lakehouse AND Data Streaming

An open table format framework like Apache Iceberg is essential in the enterprise architecture to ensure reliable data management and sharing, seamless schema evolution, efficient handling of large-scale datasets and cost-efficient storage. This blog post explores market trends, adoption of table format frameworks like Iceberg, Hudi, Paimon, Delta Lake and XTable, and the product strategy of leading vendors of data platforms such as Snowflake, Databricks (Apache Spark), Confluent (Apache Kafka / Flink), Amazon Athena and Google BigQuery.
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Stream Exchange for Data Sharing with Apache Kafka in a Data Mesh
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Streaming Data Exchange with Kafka and a Data Mesh in Motion

Data Mesh is a new architecture paradigm that gets a lot of buzzes these days. This blog post looks into this principle deeper to explore why no single technology is the perfect fit to build a  Data Mesh. Examples show why an open and scalable decentralized real-time platform like Apache Kafka is often the heart of the Data Mesh infrastructure, complemented by many other data platforms to solve business problems.
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IoT Live Demo – 100.000 Connected Cars with Kubernetes, Kafka, MQTT, TensorFlow

Live Demo – 100.000 Connected Cars – Real Time Processing and Analytics with Kubernetes, Kafka, MQTT and TensorFlow leveraging Confluent and HiveMQ.
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