The Shift Left Architecture
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The Shift Left Architecture – From Batch and Lakehouse to Real-Time Data Products with Data Streaming

Data integration is a hard challenge in every enterprise. Batch processing and Reverse ETL are common practices in a data warehouse, data lake or lakehouse. Data inconsistency, high compute cost, and stale information are the consequences. This blog post introduces a new design pattern to solve these problems: The Shift Left Architecture enables a data mesh with real-time data products to unify transactional and analytical workloads with Apache Kafka, Flink and Iceberg. Consistent information is handled with streaming processing or ingested into Snowflake, Databricks, Google BigQuery, or any other analytics / AI platform to increase flexibility, reduce cost and enable a data-driven company culture with faster time-to-market building innovative software applications.
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Snowflake with Apache Kafka and Iceberg Connector
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Snowflake Data Integration Options for Apache Kafka (including Iceberg)

The integration between Apache Kafka and Snowflake is often cumbersome. Options include near real-time ingestion with a Kafka Connect connector, batch ingestion from large files, or leveraging a standard table format like Apache Iceberg. This blog post explores the alternatives and discusses its trade-offs. The end shows how data streaming helps with hybrid architectures where data needs to be ingested from the private data center into Snowflake in the public cloud.
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Snowflake and Apache Kafka Data Integration Anti Patterns Zero Reverse ETL
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Snowflake Integration Patterns: Zero ETL and Reverse ETL vs. Apache Kafka

Snowflake is a leading cloud-native data warehouse. Integration patterns include batch data integration, Zero ETL and near real-time data ingestion with Apache Kafka. This blog post explores the different approaches and discovers its trade-offs. Following industry recommendations, it is suggested to avoid anti-patterns like Reverse ETL and instead use data streaming to enhance the flexibility, scalability, and maintainability of enterprise architecture.
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SAP Datasphere and Apache Kafka as Data Fabric for ERP Integration
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SAP Datasphere and Apache Kafka as Data Fabric for S/4HANA ERP Integration

SAP is the leading ERP solution across industries around the world. Data integration with other data platforms, applications, databases, and APIs is one of the hardest challenges in the IT and software landscape. This blog post explores how SAP Datasphere in conjunction with the data streaming platform Apache Kafka enables a reliable, scalable and open data fabric for connecting SAP business objects of ECC and S/4HANA ERP with other real-time, batch, or request-response interfaces.
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The Heart of the Data Mesh Beats Real Time with Apache Kafka
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The Heart of the Data Mesh Beats Real-Time with Apache Kafka

If there were a buzzword of the hour, it would undoubtedly be “data mesh”! This new architectural paradigm unlocks analytic and transactional data at scale and enables rapid access to an ever-growing number of distributed domain datasets for various usage scenarios. The data mesh addresses the most common weaknesses of the traditional centralized data lake or data platform architecture. And the heart of a decentralized data mesh infrastructure must be real-time, reliable, and scalable. Learn how the de facto standard for data streaming, Apache Kafka, plays a crucial role in building a data mesh.
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Best Practices for Data Analytics with AWS Azure Googel BigQuery Spark Kafka Confluent Databricks
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Best Practices for Building a Cloud-Native Data Warehouse or Data Lake

The concepts and architectures of a data warehouse, a data lake, and data streaming are complementary to solving business problems. Unfortunately, the underlying technologies are often misunderstood, overused for monolithic and inflexible architectures, and pitched for wrong use cases by vendors. Let’s explore this dilemma in a blog series. This is part 5: Best Practices for Building a Cloud-Native Data Warehouse or Data Lake.
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Case Studies for Cloud Native Analytics with Data Warehouse Data Lake Data Streaming Lakehouse
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Case Studies: Cloud-native Data Streaming for Data Warehouse Modernization

The concepts and architectures of a data warehouse, a data lake, and data streaming are complementary to solving business problems. Unfortunately, the underlying technologies are often misunderstood, overused for monolithic and inflexible architectures, and pitched for wrong use cases by vendors. Let’s explore this dilemma in a blog series. This is part 4: Case Studies for cloud-native data streaming and data warehouses.
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Data Warehouse and Data Lake Modernization with Data Streaming
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Data Warehouse and Data Lake Modernization: From Legacy On-Premise to Cloud-Native Infrastructure

The concepts and architectures of a data warehouse, a data lake, and data streaming are complementary to solving business problems. Unfortunately, the underlying technologies are often misunderstood, overused for monolithic and inflexible architectures, and pitched for wrong use cases by vendors. Let’s explore this dilemma in a blog series. This is part 3: Data Warehouse Modernization: From Legacy On-Premise to Cloud-Native Infrastructure.
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Data Warehouse vs Data Lake vs Data Streaming Comparison
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Data Warehouse vs. Data Lake vs. Data Streaming – Friends, Enemies, Frenemies?

The concepts and architectures of a data warehouse, a data lake, and data streaming are complementary to solving business problems. Unfortunately, the underlying technologies are often misunderstood, overused for monolithic and inflexible architectures, and pitched for wrong use cases by vendors. Let’s explore this dilemma in a blog series. This is part 1: Data Warehouse vs. Data Lake vs. Data Streaming – Friends, Enemies, Frenemies?
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Apache Kafka Transactions API vs Big Data Lake and Batch Analytics
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Analytics vs. Transactions in Data Streaming with Apache Kafka

Workloads for analytics and transactions have very unlike characteristics and requirements. Many people think that Apache Kafka is not built for transactions and should only be used for big data analytics. This blog post explores when and how to use Kafka in resilient, mission-critical architectures and when to use the built-in Transaction API.
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