Streaming Analytics SQL API with Apache Kafka Confluent ClickHouse Tinybird
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Apache Kafka and Tinybird (ClickHouse) for Streaming Analytics HTTP APIs

Apache Kafka became the de facto standard for data streaming. However, the combination of an event-driven architecture with request-response APIs is crucial for most enterprise architectures. This blog post explores how Tinybird innovates with a REST/HTTP layer on top of the open source analytics database ClickHouse in the cloud. Integrating Kafka with Tinybird, the benefits of fully managed services like Confluent Cloud, and customer stories from Factorial and FanDuel show why Kafka and analytics databases complement each other for more innovation and faster time-to-market.
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When NOT to use Apache Kafka
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When NOT to Use Apache Kafka? (Lightboard Video)

Apache Kafka is the de facto standard for data streaming to process data in motion. With its significant adoption growth across all industries, I get a very valid question every week: When NOT to use Apache Kafka? What limitations does the event streaming platform have? When does Kafka simply not provide the needed capabilities? How to qualify Kafka out as it is not the right tool for the job? This blog post contains a lightboard video that gives you a twenty-minute explanation of the DOs and DONTs.
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Top Use Cases and Architectures for Data Streaming with Apache Kafka in 2023
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Top 5 Data Streaming Trends for 2023

Data Streaming is one of the most relevant buzzwords in tech to build scalable real-time applications in the cloud and innovative business models. Do you wonder about my predicted TOP 5 data streaming trends in 2023 to set data in motion? Check out the following presentation and learn what role Apache Kafka plays. Learn about decentralized Data Mesh, cloud-native lakehouse, data sharing, improved user experience, and advanced data governance.
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The Heart of the Data Mesh Beats Real Time with Apache Kafka
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The Heart of the Data Mesh Beats Real-Time with Apache Kafka

If there were a buzzword of the hour, it would undoubtedly be “data mesh”! This new architectural paradigm unlocks analytic and transactional data at scale and enables rapid access to an ever-growing number of distributed domain datasets for various usage scenarios. The data mesh addresses the most common weaknesses of the traditional centralized data lake or data platform architecture. And the heart of a decentralized data mesh infrastructure must be real-time, reliable, and scalable. Learn how the de facto standard for data streaming, Apache Kafka, plays a crucial role in building a data mesh.
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Best Practices for Data Analytics with AWS Azure Googel BigQuery Spark Kafka Confluent Databricks
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Best Practices for Building a Cloud-Native Data Warehouse or Data Lake

The concepts and architectures of a data warehouse, a data lake, and data streaming are complementary to solving business problems. Unfortunately, the underlying technologies are often misunderstood, overused for monolithic and inflexible architectures, and pitched for wrong use cases by vendors. Let’s explore this dilemma in a blog series. This is part 5: Best Practices for Building a Cloud-Native Data Warehouse or Data Lake.
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Case Studies for Cloud Native Analytics with Data Warehouse Data Lake Data Streaming Lakehouse
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Case Studies: Cloud-native Data Streaming for Data Warehouse Modernization

The concepts and architectures of a data warehouse, a data lake, and data streaming are complementary to solving business problems. Unfortunately, the underlying technologies are often misunderstood, overused for monolithic and inflexible architectures, and pitched for wrong use cases by vendors. Let’s explore this dilemma in a blog series. This is part 4: Case Studies for cloud-native data streaming and data warehouses.
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Data Warehouse and Data Lake Modernization with Data Streaming
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Data Warehouse and Data Lake Modernization: From Legacy On-Premise to Cloud-Native Infrastructure

The concepts and architectures of a data warehouse, a data lake, and data streaming are complementary to solving business problems. Unfortunately, the underlying technologies are often misunderstood, overused for monolithic and inflexible architectures, and pitched for wrong use cases by vendors. Let’s explore this dilemma in a blog series. This is part 3: Data Warehouse Modernization: From Legacy On-Premise to Cloud-Native Infrastructure.
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Data Warehouse vs Data Lake vs Data Streaming Comparison
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Data Warehouse vs. Data Lake vs. Data Streaming – Friends, Enemies, Frenemies?

The concepts and architectures of a data warehouse, a data lake, and data streaming are complementary to solving business problems. Unfortunately, the underlying technologies are often misunderstood, overused for monolithic and inflexible architectures, and pitched for wrong use cases by vendors. Let’s explore this dilemma in a blog series. This is part 1: Data Warehouse vs. Data Lake vs. Data Streaming – Friends, Enemies, Frenemies?
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When not to use Apache Kafka
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When NOT to use Apache Kafka?

Apache Kafka is the de facto standard for event streaming to process data in motion. This blog post explores when NOT to use Apache Kafka. What use cases are not a good fit for Kafka? What limitations does Kafka have? How to qualify Kafka out as it is not the right tool for the job?
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Stream Exchange for Data Sharing with Apache Kafka in a Data Mesh
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Streaming Data Exchange with Kafka and a Data Mesh in Motion

Data Mesh is a new architecture paradigm that gets a lot of buzzes these days. This blog post looks into this principle deeper to explore why no single technology is the perfect fit to build a  Data Mesh. Examples show why an open and scalable decentralized real-time platform like Apache Kafka is often the heart of the Data Mesh infrastructure, complemented by many other data platforms to solve business problems.
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